I've always said I'm a pretty terrible cook. If I appeared on Master Chef I would probably be serving Gregg Wallace some form of scrambled eggs (no seasoning) and some fried tomatoes if he's lucky.
But actually, in reality when I make the time, which is usually when I'm cooking for friends, I don't think I'm too bad.
My problem is planning and looking ahead.
By the time I'm home, I want to relax and the last thing on my mind will be spending half an hour preparing food. But 7 o'clock rolls around and guess what? I'm hungry. The saviour - my 5 minute omelette.
When I saw this quote by Wayne Gretzky it struck me that we are all guilty of doing this in other areas of our lives. Sometimes we are looking at the problems right in front of us, but what we need to be looking at is the path and the goal at the end of it. With clients and businesses, if you want to work with them, don't just solve the first immediate challenge they present you with. Be instrumental in getting them to their final goal. Don't be the annoying tag along - be the help!
“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it is.” – Wayne Gretzky