What this article describes is deplorable and illegal, but I can't help but wonder what would happen in a large, predominantly Muslim country if two identical CVs were published.
Would these statistics be mirrored so that the Iranian sounding name got three times as many interviews?
5% of England's population is Muslim (most Muslims live in England out of the UK countries) and approximately 5% of the Iranian population is Christian. It would be an interesting experiment that Inside Out may consider.
A job seeker with an English-sounding name was offered three times the number of interviews than an applicant with a Muslim name, a BBC test found. Inside Out London sent CVs from two candidates, "Adam" and "Mohamed", who had identical skills and experience, in response to 100 job opportunities. Adam was offered 12 interviews, while Mohamed was offered four. Although the results were based on a small sample size, they tally with the findings of previous academic studies. These have found British Muslims are less proportionately represented in managerial and professional occupations than any other religious group.